4:11 a.m.
Music by:
It sure looks like child porn to me -I said
BUT-- said the woman---
And then I suddenly stopped the car. Violently. Four guys dressed as construction workers were waving their arms in the middle of the road. The darkened road. I steered the weel. We almost turned upside down. The car stopped. The guys came running and forced the doors open. One of them hitted the woman in the face with his bare fist. Two of them tried to grab me by the neck-- but I was faster. I don't panic on emergency situations, so I can think straight. I hitted the closest guy in the head with the cup I keep by the gear stick. Both of them put a step back. I ran outside, but was intercepted by one large man. We stumble with each other and fell down hill. Next thing I remember: I'm sitting by the computter with a pretty decent callgirl by my side. She's reading Caballo Negro for me. I don't know what happened to the woman. But wathever it was, sure she deserved it.